Here are some ResEdit 2.1 templates for the 7.0 System and Finder. I don´t know if they work with earlier versions of ResEdit.
The most important one is the TMPL "fmnu" which enables you to chance the new Finder menus. I created it according to a message by Alexander Falk (ALF) who also described how to add Quit to the Finder menu. The resulting "fmnu" resource is in the file,too. Make a copy of the Finder (<option>-drag to desktop is a good choice) and paste it in with ResEdit. Then move the original Finder to another folder and move the modified to the System folder, then reboot.
WARNING: To Quit the Finder may hang the machine when you quit the last application. I don´t know if this is a bug or a feature. When ResEdit is the last application, it seems to work properly. But run TeachText, swich to the Finder, Quit it, then Quit TeachText: Peng!
With the help of Quit you can easily change the Finder and the Finder Preferences (also in the Preferences folder). In this file the Finder stores its View settings. Here you need the TMPL "fval" which is also in the file. The one in the version of ResEdit I have (Version 2.1 from 6. Dec 1990) seems to be wrong.
One thing is that you can change the date abbreviation in list views. Possible values are
0 (short)
1 (long)
2 (mid, default).
Simply copy all TMPLs,Picks and ICONs to the file ResEdit Preferences in the folder Preferences in the System folder. You don´t need to install them into ResEdit directly.
Fred Hucht, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Duisburg, Germany
P.S: Of course I am not responsible for crashes you may get using the resources... :-)